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Jacketed Gasket

Cammprofile Gasket

Cammprofile gaskets, well known by grooved gasket, consist of concentric grooves metal core with graphite/PTFE soft layer bonding to both grooved faces. Cammprofile gasket is an effective solution for extreme operating conditions. Metal core ensures the gasket’s stability, and Graphite/PTFE layers protect flange surface undamaged.

Gasket dimensions:
for ASME B16.5 flanges
EN 1092-1 flanges(DIN EN 1514-6)

Cammprofile gaskets, well known by grooved gasket, consist of concentric grooves metal core with graphite/PTFE soft layer bonding to both grooved faces. Cammprofile gasket is an effective solution for extreme operating conditions. Metal core ensures the gasket’s stability, and Graphite/PTFE layers protect flange surface undamaged. Cammprofile gaskets provide the highest level of sealing integrity and have the ability to seal at low seating stress. Very low diffusion level and very high density ensure very low leakage rates. Cammprofile gasket has good performance when temperatures and pressures are constantly fluctuating. Gasket dimensions are sutiable for ASME B16.5 flanges and EN 1092-1 flanges(DIN EN 1514-6).

General characteristics :
• Cammprofiles resist pressures up to 400 bar, and depending on the sealing layer gaskets can resist temperatures up to approx. +1000 °C.
• Gaskets are suitable for applications according to various specifications for flanges (DIN, ASTM, EN, CSN, etc.) and a very wide seating stress range (highly suitable for varying emperatures and pressures, less sensitive to assembly faults, suitable for light and heavy designed flanges).
• Grooved gaskets do not damage the flange surface and can be easily removed.

• Chemical and petrochemical industry
• Nuclear power stations
• Steam generation
• Power plants
• Heat exchangers

The surface layer material can only be used once. The serrated gasket can be reused several times if not damaged.

Type A —-Without centering ring .
Type B —-Without integral centering ring .
Type C —-With floating centering ring .

Type A Type B Type C

Cammprofile Gasket Dimension:

for ASME B16.5 flanges

NPS d1 [mm] d2 [mm] d3 [mm]
class (lb) class (lb) 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500
1/2″ 23.8 33.3 44.5 50.8 50.8 50.8 60.4 60.4 66.8
3/4″ 31.8 39.7 54.0 63.5 63.5 63.5 66.7 66.7 73.1
1″ 36.5 47.6 63.5 69.9 69.9 69.9 76.2 76.2 82.5
1-1/4″ 46.0 60.3 73.0 79.4 79.4 79.4 85.8 85.8 101.6
1-1/2″ 52.4 69.8 82.6 92.1 92.1 92.1 95.3 95.3 114.3
2″ 73.2 88.9 101.6 108.0 108.0 108.0 139.7 139.7 143.0
2 -1/2″ 85.9 101.6 120.6 127.0 127.0 127.0 161.9 161.9 165.1
3″ 107.8 123.8 133.4 146.1 146.1 146.1 165.1 171.5 193.8
4″ 131.8 154.0 171.5 177.8 174.1 190.5 203.2 206.5 231.9
5″ 152.4 182.6 193.8 212.8 209.5 238.2 244.6 250.9 276.3
6″ 190.5 212.7 219.1 247.7 244.5 263.6 285.8 279.4 314.5
8″ 238.3 266.7 276.3 304.8 301.7 317.5 355.6 349.3 384.3
10″ 285.8 320.7 336.6 358.8 355.6 396.9 431.8 431.8 473.2
12″ 342.9 377.8 406.4 419.1 415.9 454.1 495.3 517.6 546.1
14″ 374.7 409.6 477.4 482.6 479.5 489.0 517.6 574.7
16″ 425.5 466.7 511.2 536.6 533.4 562.0 571.5 638.2
18″ 489.0 530.2 546.1 593.7 590.6 609.6 635.0 701.8
20″ 533.4 581.0 603.3 650.9 644.5 679.5 695.5 752.5
24″ 641.4 682.6 714.4 771.6 765.3 787.4 835.1 898.6

DIN EN 1514-6 for EN 1092-1 flanges

DN d1[mm] d2 [mm] d3 [mm]
PN PN 10-40 PN 63-160 PN 250-400 PN10 PN16 PN25 PN40 PN63 PN100 PN160 PN250
10 22 36 36 36 46 46 46 46 56 56 56 67
15 26 42 42 42 51 51 51 51 61 61 61 72
20 31 47 47 47 61 61 61 61
25 36 52 52 52 71 71 71 71 82 82 82 83
32 46 62 62 66 82 82 82 82
40 53 69 69 73 92 92 92 92 103 103 103 109
50 65 81 81 87 107 107 107 107 113 119 119 124
65 81 100 100 103 127 127 127 127 137 143 143 153
80 95 115 115 121 142 142 142 142 148 154 154 170
100 118 138 138 146 162 162 168 168 174 180 180 202
125 142 162 162 178 192 192 194 194 210 217 217 242
150 170 190 190 212 217 217 224 224 247 257 257 284
175 195 215 215 245 247 247 254 265 277 287 284 316
200 220 240 248 280 272 272 284 290 309 324 324 358
250 270 290 300 340 327 328 340 352 364 391 388 442
300 320 340 356 400 377 383 400 417 424 458 458
350 375 395 415 437 443 457 474 486 512
400 426 450 474 489 495 514 546 543 572
450 480 506 539 555 571
500 530 560 588 594 617 624 628 657 704
600 630 664 700 695 734 731 747 764 813
700 730 770 812 810 804 833 852 879 950
800 830 876 886 917 911 942 974 988
900 930 982 994 1017 1011 1042 1084 1108
1000 1040 1098 1110 1124 1128 1154 1194 1220
1200 1250 1320 1334 1341 1342 1364 1398 1452